- DATE : 2021
- STATUS : -
- LOCATION : Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Project info
The main objective of the project is to implement the Brüelmattquartier master plan and to respond appropriately to the development of the Brüelmattquartier. The current urban and architectural development of the school area is characterized by a very heterogeneous building fabric. The project attempts to create a coherent image through various harmonizing urban development and architectural measures and accents. The design is characterized by the desired connection on a second level, which is intended to link the secondary school and the elementary school across Dorfstrasse and Stallikonerstrasse. In addition to the pure access function, this connection on the higher level offers high-quality recreational opportunities in the covered outdoor area.
Similar to the building architecture, the main aim of the environment concept is to implement the basic idea of the master plan, to develop the public uses in the area towards each other and to better align the development of the entire area with the actual needs. The overarching aim is to leave the adjoining, mature landscape in its terrain form, incorporate it into the school complex and link it with the new outdoor spaces. Instead of a hard break between nature and the building, the two uses are to be dovetailed - spatially, functionally and visually. The aim is to express a 'natural and dynamic outdoor space'. In the area between the hall and the river, ecological compensation areas are planned, such as trees, hedges, extensively used meadows or wildflower strips as valuable habitats that are home to a rich spectrum of native flora and fauna.
The central ventilation system is positioned on the roof to save space and ventilates all checkrooms, wet rooms, ancillary rooms and the multi-purpose room. The exhaust air is blown out via the roof. The hygienic ventilation of the triple gymnasium is to be controlled via automatic windows.
The fire protection concept is based on a simple and efficient escape plan. The sensible positioning of the access cores enables the maximum escape distance of 35 m to be maintained at all times.
A small kitchenette (kiosk with serving counter) is provided on the second floor directly next to the entrance to provide basic catering services
The hall building with underground parking garage has 8 above-ground parking spaces and 79 bicycle parking spaces along the access road. A further 60 underground parking spaces are planned in the underground garage.
All connections are designed to be obstacle-free. The routes from the parking areas (cars / bicycles / motorcycles) to the associated uses are direct, short and convenient. The 2nd connecting level is also accessible for disabled and wheelchair users.
The waste disposal area, consisting of three underground containers, is open and located next to the outside parking spaces. All three containers are provided at the same location. Access and driveways are guaranteed.
The loads from the roof are transferred via a coffered ceiling to the vertical columns, which form the primary supporting structure. The loads from the primary structure are then mainly transferred as point loads to the concrete walls or the concrete floor slab. The remaining loads are low and are transferred into the concrete as line loads via the walls.
In keeping with the load-bearing hall construction, the atmosphere around and inside the new sports hall should also be characterized by the use of wood. The timber façade gives the entire school complex an appropriate and homely character from the outside, complemented by a natural environment design. The oak floors and the color-treated walls and ceilings also give the interior a cheerful and stimulating atmosphere. Good room acoustics in the hall are ensured by an acoustic ceiling, which is open-shelled and insulated in the substructure to dampen the background noise. The round windows in the interior create a discreet indirect reference to the neighboring buildings.
Photovoltaic system in a grid-connected system - with 152 modules and a total output of 52,440 kWp. The system can be expanded up to approx. 300 modules and a total output of approx. 100,000 kWp. The north-east orientation of the sports hall helps to reduce heat on the one hand, and on the other hand the north light is ideal for exhibitions. The sports hall can be ventilated on three sides. The wood material (interior of the hall) regulates the humidity in a natural way; it can absorb moisture from the air and release it again. This not only ensures a pleasant indoor climate, but also reduces the risk of mold growth.